Ever wondered how golf clubs are designed and why? In this issue I’ll try to give you an insight into the utility/fairway woods heads.
As you may see from your own clubs, the face of utility/fairway woods have a curved face (see image)
The reason is based on physics, as the centre of gravity of the club head is placed toward the back of the club (black/white dot towards the back of club in image), if you hit an off-centre strike the club head will twist, see red arrow in image. This twisting of the club head has a “gearing effect” on the ball, that is, as the club head turns one way the golf ball will turn the other way, imparting side spin on the ball.
So, back to why the club face is curved. If the twisting of the club face is going to impart side spin on the ball, then we need the ball to be propelled to the right of a toe hit (left for a heal hit) so the side spin can curve it back on line.
But here’s the sting in the tail, gearing effect only happens to the ball if there is friction, in wet weather the ball is propelled to the right or left with an off-centre strike, but won’t curve back on line because there is no grip/friction between the ball and club face.
So next time you